Elevate Your App To the Cloud with CX
Sign up for the CX API to make your app
dreams, creation, and launch easier.
Dream Big
When it comes to application development, we all come up with big ideas! Then, when it comes to developing them, we often feel like we have to reign in the dream just to make it possible. At CX, we want to set you free to dream big again. We have taken the pain out of cloud storage and data retrieval.
- CX provides users with 10GB of storage for free for all our users. Your app can take advantage of that storage.
- CX keeps versions of all documents that are stored on our service - so let them create and edit frequently - we will keep the history for you.
- CX secures all of the data transfer via SSL and then encrypts all data prior to being stored to disk. Your users deserve that, don't you think?
When it comes time to make those dreams happen, the last thing you want is a confusing and hard-to-use set of libraries with crazy restrictions that make no sense. With the CX API you can start using a well-exercised REST API from day one. Need some help with something? Well, all the apps that CX has built (iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle Fire, Windows Desktop, Mac Desktop, and Web) have all been built using our own API, so we are here (and able) to help!
- The CX API is a REST API that uses OAuth2 for user authorization - with Mashery, this is pretty straightforward to implement.
- Uploading and Downloading - just a single call.
- We aim for sanity in our API, since we have to use it ourselves. If we missed the mark - please let us know!
The dream has taken shape and you have created your appÉ.now what? It is time for the world to know, right? At CX, we are behind you completely. If it is appropriate for us to do so, we will happily add your App to our App Gallery and we may very well feature you in a user newsletter to our entire user base! We want you to succeed with your apps and we hope to help make that happen.
- When your app is ready, let us know. We want to see what awesomeness you have created.
- If your app is featured by CX, we will promote your app throughout our site to all of our users
- Want to do some PR for your app or business? We are open to making that happen. Let's talk.